Since I started playing Overwatch, my main focus has been on playing support characters. This role has been my favorite, especially since my aiming is not the best. At the beginning, I mostly picked Mercy because it helped me understand maps and where it was appropriate to stand during combat. After a bit of learning the game, I fell in love with Lucio. I played a lot of Lucio and really enjoyed the aggressive support play that he had. After a bit of a break from the game, Moira was announced and I was excited to get my hands on her. Currently, she is my favorite support to play. I really enjoy the balancing act of healing your allies while attacking your enemies. Moira really requires you to make a decision to either help by hurting your enemies or keeping your friends alive.
The introduction of Brigitte is a perfect way to round out the support group. I am excited to finally see a melee focused support character. In many other games, I love playing a cleric type character – heavy armor with the ability to heal my allies. Brigitte scratches all those needs for me. I spent last week with a group of friends picking Brigitte as often as I could even on maps and compositions that probably weren’t the best for her. I wanted to get a full understanding of this character. That week I learned a lot and I’m excited to pick her when the time is right. I will add her to my mix of characters I really enjoy selecting when I play.
Last week, Michael Chu, lead writer of Overwatch, answered a few questions about Brigette. One of the questions he was asked was if she likes doughnuts. It was probably asked because of the spray of her and Torbjorn training. He responded with a simple “Yes, but she loves semlor.” Immediately, I got to working on figuring out these treats. I had never heard of semlor until that q&a. I learned quickly that it is a bun seasoned with cardamom, filled with marzipan, and topped with whipped cream. These little buns are very easy to make and I can understand why Brigitte is such a fan of them. The buns themselves are so delicious that I can see myself making those without the filling or the whipped cream as an even simpler snack.
3 tsp yeast
1 ¼ cup milk, warm (between 105°F and 110°F)
1 egg
¼ cup melted butter, cooled
3 tsp cardamom
1 tsp salt
½ cup sugar
2 cups bread flour
2 ½ cups all-purpose flour
Egg Wash
1 tbsp heavy cream
1 egg
2 tsp water
200 g marzipan
Bun fillings
Whipped Cream
2 cups heavy cream
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp confectioners sugar
1 tbsp vanilla extract
In a bowl of a stand mixer, combine the yeast and milk. Let sit for 5 minutes or until the yeast becomes slightly foamy. Add the melted butter and egg.
In a bowl, combine the cardamom, salt, sugar, and both flours. Add the flour mixture to the stand mixer and mix until all the ingredients are well mixed together. Increase the speed on the stand mixer to medium and knead for 5 minutes.
Remove from the bowl and form into a round ball. In a greased bowl, place the dough and cover. Allow it to rest for at least one hour or until it doubles in size.
Preheat an oven to 350°F. Divide the dough into 15-18 portions (about 75 grams each) and shape them into round ball. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes.
In a small bowl, whisk an egg, heavy cream, and water. Remove the plastic wrap and place the rolls on a baking sheet with parchment paper. Brush each of the buns with the egg wash. Place in the oven and bake for 18 to 22 minutes or until golden brown. Place on a wire rack and allow to cool slightly.
Once cool enough to handle, cut a small portion off the top of the bun with a serrated knife. Remove the center of the bun and place in a bowl. Repeat until you have removed the centers of all the buns.
In the bowl, combine the bun fillings and the marzipan. Evenly spread the mixture between each of the buns.
Make the whipped cream by combining all the ingredients in a stand mixer and blending until it forms stiff peaks.
When you are ready to serve, top each of the buns (minus the cap) with a portion of the whipped cream. Top with the cap and a dusting of powdered sugar.
- 3 tsp yeast
- 1 1/4 cup milk warm (between 105°F and 110°F)
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup butter melted and cooled
- 3 tsp cardamom
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 2 cups bread flour
- 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
Egg Wash
- 1 tbsp heavy cream
- 1 egg
- 2 tsp water
- 200 grams marzipan
- bun fillings
Whipped Cream
- 2 cups heavy cream
- 1 tsp salt
- 3 tbsp confectioners sugar
- 1 tbsp vanilla extract
- In a bowl of a stand mixer, combine the yeast and milk. Let sit for 5 minutes or until the yeast becomes slightly foamy. Add the melted butter and egg.
- In a bowl, combine the cardamom, salt, sugar, and both flours. Add the flour mixture to the stand mixer and mix until all the ingredients are well mixed together. Increase the speed on the stand mixer to medium and knead for 5 minutes.
- Remove from the bowl and form into a round ball. In a greased bowl, place the dough and cover. Allow it to rest for at least one hour or until it doubles in size.
- Preheat an oven to 350°F. Divide the dough into 15-18 portions (about 75 grams each) and shape them into round ball. Cover with plastic wrap and let rest for 30 minutes.
- In a small bowl, whisk an egg, heavy cream, and water. Remove the plastic wrap and place the rolls on a baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Brush each of the buns with the egg wash.
- Place in the oven and bake for 18 to 22 minutes or until golden brown. Place on a wire rack and allow to cool slightly.
- Once cool enough to handle, cut a small portion of the top of the bun with a serrated knife. Remove the center of the bun and place in a bowl. Repeat until you have removed the centers of all the buns.
- In the bowl, combine the bun fillings and the marzipan. Eveningly spread the mixture between each of the buns.
- Make the whipped cream by combining all the ingredients in a stand mixer and blending until it forms stiff peaks.
- When you are ready to serve, top each of the buns (minus the cap) with a portion of the whipped cream. Top with the cap and a dusting of powdered sugar.
- 이스트 테이블스푼으로 3번
- 따듯한 우유 ¼(온도 40℃ ~43℃)
- 계란 1개
- 녹은 버터와 굳은 버터 ¼씩
- 카다몬 3스푼
- 소금 한 스푼
- 설탕 반 컵
- 밀가루 2컵
- 다목적 밀가루 ½ 컵
빵 코팅
- 1테이블 스푼의 무거운 크림
- 계란 1개
- 물 2컵
속 재료
- 마지팬 200g
- 빵 충전물
- 헤비 크림 2컵
- 소금 한스푼
- 설탕 테이블스푼으로 3번
- 바닐라 추출물 테이블스푼으로 1번
- 스탠드 믹서 안에 이스트와 우유를 넣고 섞으고 이스트가 약간 거품이 생길 때까지 5분간 놓아두시기 바랍니다. 그 후 녹인 버터와 계란을 넣으시기 바랍니다.
- 그 후 그릇 안에 카다몬, 소금, 설탕 그리고 밀가루 모두를 섞으세요.그릇 안에 카다몬, 소금, 설탕 그리고 밀가루 모두를 섞으세요. 혼합 된 밀가루를 스탠드 믹서에 넣고 모든 재료가 잘 섞일 때까지 섞어주시기 바랍니다. 스탠드 믹서의 속도를 중간정도로 설정 해주시고 5분간 반죽을 하시기 바랍니다.
- 그릇에서 꺼내어서 둥글게 빚어주시기 바랍니다. 이제 기름을 칠한 그룻에 반죽을 넣고 그릇을 덮개로 덮어주시기 바랍니다. 최소 한시간 동안 반죽이 숙성될 때까지 놓아두시기 바랍니다.
- 이제 오븐을 176도까지 예열하시기 바랍니다. 반죽을 15개 ~ 18개(개 당 약 75g) 나누어서 둥글게 빚으시기 시고 랩으로 싸서 30분간 숙성을 시킵니다.
- 이제 작은 그룻에 달걀, 헤비 크림 그리고 물을 넣어서 휘저으시기 바랍니다. 랩을 제거 하고 오븐판 위에 양피지를 넣고 반죽들을 놓으시기 바랍니다. 그리고 둥글게 빚은 빵에 계란물을 바르고 오븐에 넣고 18분에서 22분 동안 노릇노릇 해질 때까지 구우시기바랍니다.
- 모든 빵을 충분히 식힌 이후에 빵에 윗 부분을 칼로 자르고 빵에 가운데를 파냅니다.
- 이제 다른 그릇에 빵 충전물과 마지펜를 넣고 섞고 해당 소를 각 빵 안에 채워주시기 바랍니다.
- 그후 빵 위에 미리 만들어둔 휘핑 크림을 만든 다음 뽀쪽하게 뿌려줍니다.
- 이제 대접할 준비가 다 끝났습니다. 각 빵 위에 아까 잘라놓은 빵 뚜껑을 덮고 가루 설탕을 뿌려주세요.
How well do you think the buns would adapt to gluten-free flour?
…and what’s your opinion on Ana and Zen?
I have not worked much with gluten-free flour so I can’t speak if it would work well. If you do try it with a gluten-free flour please let me know how it goes and I can add a note to the recipe.
I enjoy playing Zen. Currently, he is my fourth most played character (Mercy, Lucio, and D.Va are just ahead of him). I imagine that Moira will slowly surpass him but I will still play him from time to time.
Ana… I can’t play. I have tried several times and just can’t get into the rhythm of playing her. I have a few friend that mained Ana during her prime time and a lot of them say she is in a pretty bad state compared to the other supports.
I cook with gluten-free flour a lot because my mother-in-law has celiacs. I’ve never had a problem with it. If you just put a tiny bit if xanthan gum in with the flour, it should be fine. I either use gluten-free flour [Pillsbury has a good one], coconut flour, or almond flour when I bake. Hope that helps.
Thank you so much for the information!
We usually just put strawberry jam (and whipped cream obv) between the bun instead of that marzipan mixing stuff, just fyi for anyone not fond of marzipan 😀
Oooooh I really like the sound of that. I’m gonna try that the next time I make these. 😀
The filling of a swedish semla is usually almond paste, not marzipan (they’re similar, but taste slightly different). Nice to see some appreciation for swedish cuisine though.
Next time I make a batch of these I’m gonna try them with almond paste. Thanks for the heads up!
As a soon to be Brigitte main, I wholeheartedly approve. As a lazy, forgetful cook I would love a version of this recipe on your Pinterest for easier access.
Thanks for reminding me. I’m pretty terrible at remembering to update my Pinterest list. 😀
Question – You are using dried yeast or other? Also, what is all-purpose flour exactly? Is it normal wheat flour? I’m writing from Poland and in shop you can buy like… 6-8 types of flour.
I use active dry yeast. Not the instant kind. I typically grab the Fleischmann’s Active Dry Yeast Brand. That might be an American only brand, not sure.
This is a good question and I’m not accustomed to the different options out there.
Quick research shows the following:
One site recommends Plain Flour (this is for UK) – found on the site Cook’s Info.
From one site: “American all-purpose = French Type 55 = German Type 550 = Italian 00” This is from the website Baking Techniques, History, & Science.
I hope this helps. If you do try one of the flour types let me know how it goes. 😀
Thanks a lot!