Listen, Luchador. You’ve been going around the Mexiverse, beating up all those fools, and you probably came across a few of my brothers. Being a stone statue myself, I do need you to pass a message along. But that’s for later. Don’t listen to what they may have told you about what’s going on, I’m…
Fallout 76: Corn Soup
It has been a while since I’ve dipped back into Fallout 76, but I think I’m going to give it a little bit more time before jumping back to the Wasteland. I’ve heard a lot of good things about the improvements that Bethesda has put towards the game and I know a few people that…
Breath of the Wild: Spicy Simmered Fruit
Have you been enjoying all the E3 news this week? I sure have! How about that Breath of the Wild 2 trailer at the end of the Nintendo Direct? I was yelling in excitement when that start playing on the screen. Breath of the Wild is one of the best games I’ve played in the…
Starbound: Tropical Punch
I love to go back to Starbound on occasion and calmly explore different planets. I find this game to be very relaxing and helps me clear my mind. I hop from planet to planet, searching for random items to decorate my ship. I especially love having a large instrument collection so I can play any…
Overcooked 2: Pineapple & Banana Smoothie
Overcooked 2 is a game I love playing in a group but have never been able to play solo. I find controlling two characters at once is a bit more difficult for me to comprehend than I like. I have tried numerous times and the multitasking just overwhelms me. Luckily, I have my husband who…
Guild Wars 2: Bowl of Poultry Satay
Guild Wars 2 released the last chapter for the current living story and I cannot wait to get home tonight and play through it. I have been eagerly awaiting this episode since the end of the last one. No spoilers here so instead I will talk about the new legendary greatsword, Exordium. I have only…
Final Fantasy XIV: Triple Cream Coffee
This week, Final Fantasy XIV has a new Final Fantasy XV crossover event. There is a whole event with Noctis but the coolest part is that you can unlock the Regalia as a mount. When I was playing FFXIV, there were some pretty neat mounts but they were all single riding only. It was neat…
Diablo 3: Health Potion
Diablo 3’s Season of Grandeur was my first time making a season character and completing all the achievements to get a full set of class armor. Naturally, I made a necromancer with my eyes set on a full blown skeleton army, and the bonuses I got from the Trag’Oul set did not disappoint. The set…
Sekiro: Pellets
So, you’re awake. Looks like death is not your fate… just yet. I dragged you from a battlefield, dismembered and lifeless, but not yet dead. There is something in your eyes that tell me you have a task yet unfinished. A deed undone. It’s not for me to ask, and to be honest it’s not…
The Witcher 3: Boeuf Bourguignon
The Witcher 3 is one of the best written games I’ve ever played. I love this game and wish I could spend so much more time with it. One of the characters that shows up in many of Geralt’s adventures is the bard Dandelion. He tells the many tales that he has had with Geralt…