Divinity Original Sin 2 is one of my favorite games of all times. I really enjoy going through the story and attempting to figure out how many ways we could approach each obstacle. Jeff and I recently started another playthrough of the game, this time with the Definitive Edition. There are events we have done…
Animal Crossing New Horizons: Isabelle’s Coffee
I have been playing a lot of Animal Crossing: New Horizons these past few weeks. It has really been helping my mental health during these dire times. I’ve spent a bit of time each day playing since the game was released and have been thoroughly enjoying it. I saw the credits and was told to…
Persona 5: Yakisoba Pan
I am extremely excited to play with the Phantom Thieves again in Persona 5 Royal. My copy just got in! Jeff and I are thinking about how we will be playing the game this time. When Persona 5 came out, we bought a PS3 and a PS4 copy so the two of us could play…
Dragon Quest Builders 2 – Divine Digger’s Jigger
Dragon Quest Builders 2 was my biggest surprise game of last year. I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing through it and highly recommend it. I would lose track of time going around islands, gathering resources, and improving my main island. One of the main things I wanted to make sure I had set up was…
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot – Burning Tofu
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is the perfect balance of experiencing the story once again while getting to control the action. The story has been condensed pretty tightly but all the major Dragon Ball Z story beats are there. I have really enjoyed my time with the game and being able to play through the eyes…
The Outer Worlds: Purpleberry Fizzy Tea
While playing through The Outer Worlds, I found it extremely easy to get lost in the world and stare at all the products scattered everywhere. I would go into random homes and carefully snoop around to see if I could find anything I hadn’t seen yet. I really found myself going off the main trail…
Ring Fit Adventure: Strawberry Smoothie
I have continued my slow climb towards being a bit more fit. I try to play Ring Fit Adventure at least once a week, twice is my real goal! The most difficult part has been finding a timeslot in the day that works well with the rest of my schedule. Right now, I have to…
Sekiro: Sweet Rice Ball
One of my husband’s favorite moments in Sekiro is a boss fight with a rather tenacious foe. You enter the boss fight, only to realize you’re basically locked in a small closet with a boss who has FAR too many arms for their own good. He wanted to get away from the boss, see what…
Final Fantasy XV: Crown City Dive-Style Dumplings
Final Fantasy XV is one of the few Final Fantasy’s I’ve seen to the end. Over the years I have played many Japanese RPGs but the Final Fantasy series is one that I kind of skipped. It is most likely because I did not own a Playstation 1 when I was younger. FFXV is the…
Stardew Valley: Cookies
Last week, Stardew Valley reached the impressive benchmark of selling 10 million copies. I want to give a huge congratulations to ConcernedApe. The game is amazing and I’m happy to see so many people feel the same. The hard work put into this game deserves all the success it has received. I’ve been playing Stardew…