I’ve been looking forward to playing Baldur’s Gate 3 since they announced it in 2019. I will admit I’ve never played any of the other entries to the series, but when I heard Larian was going to be working on it, I was excited. Divinity Original Sin 2 is one of my top 3 games…
NEO: The World Ends With You: Chocolate Chunk Scones
It’s hard to go into much detail about NEO: The World Ends with You without going into spoiler territory, but the game is worth a try if you haven’t picked it up yet. I’d suggest it’s even more worthwhile if you played the previous game, but it isn’t required to understand what is going on….
Harvestella: Chilled Tomato Pasta
Harvestella is a farming RPG that was released last year. I played through the demo and enjoyed myself, but haven’t picked up the full game. At the time, I was looking for a game that focused a bit more on the farming and relationship aspects rather than the combat. Based on the demo, it felt…
Spiritfarer: Maple Salmon
Spiritfarer was one of Jeff and my favorite co-op couch experiences recently. We worked hard together and split up the different tasks needed in order to help our ship crew have a successful journey. One of the tasks we made sure to work hard on was helping with Susan’s Museum. Susan is a collector and…
Tales of Arise: Sandwich
Jeff and I recently finished our playthrough of Tales of Arise, just in time for the 1 year anniversary of the game’s release. Overall, I thought the game was fine, not one of my favorites of the series for sure. I do think the lack of multiplayer contributes to that. After watching Jeff play through…
Guild Wars 2: Strawberries & Biscuits
What is time? 10 years ago, I started my adventures off in Tyria with the launch of Guild Wars 2. I remember that first week of playing with my friends and trying to make our way through the story. I started off as a hunter but quickly shuffled to guardian which is when I fell…
Yakuza Like a Dragon: Chilled Noodle Lunch Box
Last week was Summer Games Done Quick and I could not stop watching all of the amazing speedruns. I was extremely excited to see Froob’s run of Yakuza: Like a Dragon being shared with the world during the event. This run can be extremely RNG heavy and I’m happy that the game decided to play…
Tales of Arise: Roast Chicken
Tales of Arise is a very different game from the other “Tales of” games I’ve played over the years. The “Tales of” series is how Jeff and I became friends in college. We played a lot of Tales of Symphonia together. Throughout the years, we’ve played each of the games together with friends coming over…
Animal Crossing: Carrot Scones
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is my ultimate chill out game. I’ll just turn the game on and zone out of all the tasks I had going on that day. I’ll hop around different islands, collect random resources, work on farming up some vegetables, or just spend a long time fishing. Fishing is one of my…
Spiritfarer: Peach Cobbler
Last year, Jeff and I spent a few days playing Spiritfarer and we loved it. This game was such a delight to play together. The first day we played, we found ourselves just chilling on the couch, gathering a bunch of materials, making all the recipes, and getting hit by all the feels. We basically…