Last week was Summer Games Done Quick and I could not stop watching all of the amazing speedruns. I was extremely excited to see Froob’s run of Yakuza: Like a Dragon being shared with the world during the event. This run can be extremely RNG heavy and I’m happy that the game decided to play…
Video Game Food
Tales of Arise: Roast Chicken
Tales of Arise is a very different game from the other “Tales of” games I’ve played over the years. The “Tales of” series is how Jeff and I became friends in college. We played a lot of Tales of Symphonia together. Throughout the years, we’ve played each of the games together with friends coming over…
Animal Crossing: Carrot Scones
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is my ultimate chill out game. I’ll just turn the game on and zone out of all the tasks I had going on that day. I’ll hop around different islands, collect random resources, work on farming up some vegetables, or just spend a long time fishing. Fishing is one of my…
Spiritfarer: Peach Cobbler
Last year, Jeff and I spent a few days playing Spiritfarer and we loved it. This game was such a delight to play together. The first day we played, we found ourselves just chilling on the couch, gathering a bunch of materials, making all the recipes, and getting hit by all the feels. We basically…
Yakuza Like A Dragon: Hell Stew
Last month, Sega released the Yakuza: Like a Dragon soundtrack and I have been listening to the album on repeat since it was released. I have probably listened to War Maker at least 100 times at this point. While listening, I was reminded of all the amazing karaoke songs featured in the game. Karaoke has…
NEO: The World Ends With You: Salty Lemon Ramen
Jeff just finished his play through of NEO: The World Ends With You. I caught a lot of the story as he was playing but for sure missed a lot of the call back from the first game. This is a series that I’ve mostly absorbed by listening to Jeff talk about the first game…
Stardew Valley: Mango Sticky Rice
Stardew Valley is a comfort game that I always find myself coming back to. Jeff has recently been poking at me to start up a new farm and it is only a matter of time before I cave in. We both love just starting a new game and seeing how quickly we can make our…
Final Fantasy VII: Remake: Midgar Special
Time for a confession: I never played the original Final Fantasy VII. That is probably because I never owned a Playstation 1 growing up. On top of that, I can count the Final Fantasy games I’ve completed on one hand. There are a lot of RPGs to pick from and for some reason, Final Fantasy…
A Look Back At 2021
2021 is coming to a close and what a wild year it has been. First, I hope everyone has been safe and surviving year 2 of the global pandemic. Jeff, Kanji, and I have been fortunate enough to still be working from home and have not gotten sick. My family in Chicago did start the…
SMT Nocturne: Jackfrost Coffee
I am a huge fan of the Shin Megami Tensei series. My first dive into the series was Nocturne several years ago. I admit I didn’t finish it, but I really enjoyed my time with it. When they announced a remake for Nocturne I was extremely excited to give that game another go. I’m still…