It is that time of year again when all things pumpkin flavored are consumed. Since I’ve known my husband, he has hated all things that are pumpkin flavored. He will give them a try but the end result is the same, he is has no interest in taking another bite. That is until I made…
Guild Wars 2: Candy Corn Cake
Greetings, mortals! Good to have you see me again! It is I, your maniacal king and master of revelries, Mad King Thorn! (laugh) There is a certain matter that needs attending, and I think you all know what it is. Yes, yes, it is that very thing you are all looking forward to! The time…
Tales of Graces f: Chocolate Flan
Whenever I think of Tales of Graces f I am reminded of many long weekends marathoning with friends. My friend Harry would drive over from Austin to spend the weekend and play. This was also the first time my friend Rene played a Tales of game with a group. It has been a long while…
Recettear: Walnut Bread
When your adventurers are feeling weary from their travels, food is a great way to keep your traveling heroes healthy. In Recettear, there are several food items in the game that you can aid you on your journey. First, your heroes that adventure down in the dungeons can use them to recover health and mana….
Katamari Forever: Strawberry Donuts
The Katamari series is one that I find myself returning to pretty frequently. From playing the game to just listening to the amazing soundtrack, I’ll randomly pick up Katamari Forever and play a few levels every so often. The last few times I’ve played, I’ve loaded up the level where you try to get large…
The Sims 4: Chocolate Souffle
This week the latest “stuff pack” was introduced in The Sims 4. I don’t typically pick up these little packs up but this adds several items to the kitchen along with some new recipes. Before jumping into this expansion it was time to max out my baking skills. What better way to challenge myself than…
Fantasy Life: Mushroom Quiche
Master Alfredo has just tasked me to cook a mushroom quiche. This is going to be easy! I just need to go out and find some fresh, delicious mushrooms. Now where shall I look first? The forest nearby has to have a few laying around. Would it be smart for me to run out as…
The Sims 4: Cherry Muffins
With the release of the new The Sims 4 expansion, Get to Work, they introduced a new skill for your sims: baking. I love baking and the list of recipes added to the game made my mouth water. There is no doubt we’ll revisit the other recipes introduced, but let’s start by looking at one…
Guild Wars 2: Buttermilk Bisuits
These past few weeks I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2 on a daily basis. My friends and I have been leveling up our guild by finally doing guild missions. Two years ago when we tried a guild bounty we got destroyed by Half-Baked Komali. Everyone was afraid to do these ever again. They were worried…
Octodad: Donuts
Octodad: Dadliest Catch was recently announced for a WiiU and Xbox One release. More people will be able to experience the ridiculousness that is Octodad and that makes me happy. It is exciting to see a game that several friends created do so well. With the announcement of more console releases I felt it was…