Tales of Arise is a very different game from the other “Tales of” games I’ve played over the years. The “Tales of” series is how Jeff and I became friends in college. We played a lot of Tales of Symphonia together. Throughout the years, we’ve played each of the games together with friends coming over…
Video Game Recipe
Animal Crossing: Carrot Scones
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is my ultimate chill out game. I’ll just turn the game on and zone out of all the tasks I had going on that day. I’ll hop around different islands, collect random resources, work on farming up some vegetables, or just spend a long time fishing. Fishing is one of my…
Lost Judgment: Higashi’s Tea
Last week, RGG Studios released the Kaito Files DLC for Lost Judgment. Jeff and I immediately jumped in and thoroughly enjoyed our time with it. This little bonus story was extremely enjoyable and I’m so happy we got to see a bit more of Kaito and his backstory. As always, I will avoid talking about…
Spiritfarer: Peach Cobbler
Last year, Jeff and I spent a few days playing Spiritfarer and we loved it. This game was such a delight to play together. The first day we played, we found ourselves just chilling on the couch, gathering a bunch of materials, making all the recipes, and getting hit by all the feels. We basically…
Yakuza Like A Dragon: Hell Stew
Last month, Sega released the Yakuza: Like a Dragon soundtrack and I have been listening to the album on repeat since it was released. I have probably listened to War Maker at least 100 times at this point. While listening, I was reminded of all the amazing karaoke songs featured in the game. Karaoke has…
Stardew Valley: Mango Sticky Rice
Stardew Valley is a comfort game that I always find myself coming back to. Jeff has recently been poking at me to start up a new farm and it is only a matter of time before I cave in. We both love just starting a new game and seeing how quickly we can make our…
Final Fantasy VII: Remake: Midgar Special
Time for a confession: I never played the original Final Fantasy VII. That is probably because I never owned a Playstation 1 growing up. On top of that, I can count the Final Fantasy games I’ve completed on one hand. There are a lot of RPGs to pick from and for some reason, Final Fantasy…
Animal Crossing New Horizons: Minestrone Soup
Last month, Nintendo released an update for Animal Crossing New Horizons that introduced more seeds for farming as well as actual cooking. You can now walk up to a kitchen stove and begin creating delicious dishes. The recipes in the game are quite simple, most requiring only a few items to put together. The hard…
SMT Nocturne: Jackfrost Coffee
I am a huge fan of the Shin Megami Tensei series. My first dive into the series was Nocturne several years ago. I admit I didn’t finish it, but I really enjoyed my time with it. When they announced a remake for Nocturne I was extremely excited to give that game another go. I’m still…
The Ultimate Final Fantasy XIV Cookbook: Release Day
It is release day for The Ultimate Final Fantasy XIV Cookbook: The Essential Culinarian Guide to Hydaelyn. I figured this would be the perfect time to write a post about the book, my process, and general nonsense I’m up to in Final Fantasy XIV. I am really excited that this book is out and I…