The Overcooked series is one of my favorite food themed games. The controlled chaos that happens during a round is one of the most amazing things I’ve seen in a game. I love sitting on the couch with teammates and eventually yelling at one another to make sure our kitchen doesn’t burn to the ground….
Video Games
Fallout 76: Mud Cookie
One of my favorite parts of Fallout 76was exploring the world and finding all the neat set pieces the designers hid. My friends and I became really attached to Reverend Delbert Winters. Sure, he is just a just a dead priest who helped the Responders out after the bombs dropped. When we first ran into…
Final Fantasy XIV: Spaghetti Carbonara
I haven’t played Final Fantasy XIV in over 3 years but I do have a few friends that have dipped into the game from time to time. These last few weeks, I have slightly considered jumping back into the game. About every year, I get an itch to play MMOs and right now I’m kind…
Divinity Original Sin 2: Dwarven Stew
Last year, Divinity Original Sin 2 released its Definitive Edition with many enhancements and an improved second half story. Jeff and I have been making our way from a fresh start to get to the new content. This time around Jeff, and I have a few origin characters in our lineup. Both of us knew…
Don’t Starve: Honey Nuggets
After years of not playing Don’t Starve Together, my friends, husband, and I have jumped back into the game. The last time I really played the game was while it was in early access and a lot has changed since then. There are many new characters, food items, and very difficult events. Our current attempt…
Tales of Vesperia: Fisherman’s Hot Pot
The definitive edition of Tales of Vesperia came out this past month. Tales of Vesperia is one of my favorite games of all time. Jeff and I have been playing the game a lot and as we go through it, I am reminded how much I love the characters, story, and gameplay. We recently started…
The Witcher 3: Ham Sandwich
Over the past few weeks of playing and streaming The Witcher 3. I have fallen in love with the world. A few years back, I attempted playing The Witcher 2 and was enjoying the story but the combat wasn’t my favorite. A few friends assured me that the third entry in the series had better…
Breath of the Wild: Monster Soup
In Breath of the Wild, Kilton the merchant is extremely interested in purchasing monster parts. His traveling shop, Fang and Bone, is a great place for Link to offload his extra monster loot. Kilton purchases the items in exchange for Mon, which can only be used at his shop. One of the items you can…
Monster Hunter World: Dash Juice
Monster Hunter World was my first experience with the series and I really enjoyed it. I got to play with Jeff and several of our friends. In the beginning, I didn’t think the game was too difficult and was surprised by how easily we were dealing with the hunts. That was true until I met…
2018 Wrap Up
2018 has been an amazing year and it is time to take a look back at the year.