My friends and I are taking the holiday season in a different direction this year. A few friends will be driving over from Austin to celebrate Burgermas. This is a new holiday where we are going to go around Houston try as many different fancy burgers as we can. There are going to be a…
Video Games
The Sims 4: Triple Chocolate Cupcakes
I am very behind on The Sims 4 expansions. With last week’s release of its Get Together expansion, I figured it was time to do another delicious recipe. I find cupcakes to be the best dessert to bring to any get together. They are a bit of work to make but they are basically hassle…
Guild Wars 2: Bloodstone Ice Cream
It is that time of year when snow falls in Lion’s Arch and the children build snowmen to celebrate the season. Toymaker Tixx brings joy to the land with many magical gifts from his Golem-shaped airship. The most magical time of the year is just around the corner and I am very excited. I have…
Guild Wars 2: Pesto Pasta Salad
Heart of Thorns has been out for a month now and I’ve been really enjoying the new content. Last week, raids were introduced to the game and I was able to spend a handful of hours attempting it this weekend. We are still learning how to handle the transition phases with the first boss, the…
Tales of Vesperia: Cream Stew
I’ve played quite a few RPGs in my time, but I’ve always liked Tales of games because of its couch co-op. I’ve played every Tales Of game with a group since Tales of Symphonia, but Tales of Zesteria has been trying my patience. The combat camera focuses on the first player’s target and there is…
Starbound: Banana Cream Pie
Space exploration has always fascinated me. I hope space technology continues to evolve so one day we can travel through space just like we’ve done in video games and science fiction. For now I’ll keep my space travel to the digital world, especially in games like Starbound. The number of planets you can explore in…
Don’t Starve: Pumpkin Cookie
It is that time of year again when all things pumpkin flavored are consumed. Since I’ve known my husband, he has hated all things that are pumpkin flavored. He will give them a try but the end result is the same, he is has no interest in taking another bite. That is until I made…
Guild Wars 2: Candy Corn Cake
Greetings, mortals! Good to have you see me again! It is I, your maniacal king and master of revelries, Mad King Thorn! (laugh) There is a certain matter that needs attending, and I think you all know what it is. Yes, yes, it is that very thing you are all looking forward to! The time…
Tales of Graces f: Chocolate Flan
Whenever I think of Tales of Graces f I am reminded of many long weekends marathoning with friends. My friend Harry would drive over from Austin to spend the weekend and play. This was also the first time my friend Rene played a Tales of game with a group. It has been a long while…
Final Fantasy XIV: Tomato Pie
Even though I have not returned to Final Fantasy XIV, I like to watch videos showing off new content like the end game dungeons. Many of the boss fights require perfect party placement and timing in order to complete the mission at hand. I am impressed by the skill the players must have in order…