My husband has certainly played his fair share of video games growing up, but few have had as much an impact as one of his favorites, The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. He’ll be the first to admit that Morrowind has its share of problems, bugs, and overall clunkiness, but none of that compares to the…
Guild Wars 2: Candy Corn Cake
Greetings, mortals! Good to have you see me again! It is I, your maniacal king and master of revelries, Mad King Thorn! (laugh) There is a certain matter that needs attending, and I think you all know what it is. Yes, yes, it is that very thing you are all looking forward to! The time…
Pokémon: Rare Candy
I wanna cook the very best, like no one ever could. To taste them is my real test, the flavor has withstood I will tinker with recipes, blended, chopped, and fried Each ingredient to understand the flavor that’s inside… Well that is my sad attempt to personalize the Pokémon theme. Pokémon and I go really…