This past weekend, I ran into several hiccups and was unable to complete a recipe for this week. My schedule recently has been jam packed and I’ve fallen a little bit behind on my recipe schedule, so I figured this would be the perfect time to write an update on me and other things I’ve been up to.
Work has recently picked up and I have found myself very busy on many different projects. Most of them are developing user interfaces for virtual reality/augmented reality projects with NASA. With this shift in focus to these new technologies, I have found myself experimenting and trying to understand some best practices for user interface. I got to spend a day playing with a few games on the Vive. I really enjoyed being a virtual chef in Job Simulator. The UI was very minimal and all integrated as part of the world. It was not really something I can use for the current projects I’m on but I really enjoyed the way the game handled it.
Earlier this year, he was having a few issues (nothing too serious) that required us to switch his food. We noticed that he was not getting enough water so we decided to switch him over to freeze-dried food. Instead of just pouring food into a bowl, freeze dried food needs to be rehydrated, so we can control how much water gets added. After a lot of research and talking to other people we decided on Grandma Lucy’s Artisan Chicken Recipe. We also wanted to add a little extra bit of protein to the meal so we top the meal with one Stella and Chewy: Chewy’s Chicken Dinner Patties. This combination has worked perfectly for him. He loves the food and is always excited for meal time. Granted, he’s a corgi and is always happy to eat, but i think it’s a little extra special for him. With this simple change he is now getting a lot of water, his teeth health has improved, and it has kept him very regular. I highly recommend these brands and Kanji fully approves of them.
We are still working on Kanji’s agility skills. We have gone to three different trials now with him and he has gotten first place 3 out of the 6 runs he has done. He is still a Novice for both Standard and Jumper With Weaves. He currently needs one more qualifying run for Standard to move up to Open Class. My husband and I are causally working on that with Kanji. I think Kanji prefers his weekly class over the official AKC trials. There is a lot less stress in class and the courses are always so much more interesting than the Novice level ones.
I have been focusing on three games this past month – Overwatch, Guild Wars 2, and Persona 5. These games have been a great combo together and each fills my gaming itches for different purposes.
Overwatch just started its 5th season of competitive. I find that I get really excited when a season starts and after placements I just kind of stop playing. Well, this season my husband and I are going to be trying to play a bit more. My goal is to finally get into diamond this season. Placed just under 2700 and I think my goal will be extremely doable. I continue to main support and love the stress of that role. I’m hoping to keep learning and getting better.
Guild Wars 2 has recently caught my attention again. Arenanet has released several chapters for Living Story season 3 and rumblings of an expansion have started. I have been really enjoying all the new story and all the content they continue to add. I’ve also finally finished making my legendary back piece. This back piece was one of the main things I was looking forward to when Heart of Thorns was announced. It is nice to finally have this great back piece!
Persona 5 has been extremely enjoyable. I’m currently in mid-October in the game and I promise not to spoil anything! I’ll just say Yusuke is the best character and if you love RPGs I would highly recommend you check this game out.
Blog Projects
I want to keep evolving Pixelated Provisions. It is my goal to make unique and interesting recipes on a weekly basis. I have done a pretty good job this year and I hope to continue making delicious recipes for you all to enjoy.
I recently upgraded the table I am using to take photos. My previous table was a 2×3 table that was meant to be used as an outdoor cooler. I now have a small folding table that is 3×3. This gives me a bit more space to work on and allows me to work with more background options.
I have been talking with my husband about a few bonus post ideas and have begun work on those. They aren’t recipe related but they are focused on food. I’m currently experimenting with a few ideas to make sure I’m happy with the results before going into too much detail. If all goes well those post will probably happen once a month.
I’m always hoping to improve the blog. If there is a recipe or game related thing you would like to see, let me know. Feel free to comment at the bottom, email, or tweet at me – I will get back to you. And thank you for continuing to visit the site! I’ll keep making wonderful video game recipes as long as there are people like you who want something delicious to eat!