Fortified pumpkins can be found in Kakariko Village at Olkin’s Pumpkins. These pumpkins are extremely tough and are cooked to both soften them and help increase Link’s toughness. During your first visit to the shop, Olkin will offer you a free pumpkin. He knows how to run a business; it will get you running back…
Paper Mario: Chocolate Pie
Many years ago, there existed a city far out at sea. A lavish city where all its citizens were content with their lives. But that all changed when the town sank into the sea in one night and was lost forever. Years later, the small port city of Rougeport developed on that same land. Rumors…
Starbound: Banana Cream Pie
Space exploration has always fascinated me. I hope space technology continues to evolve so one day we can travel through space just like we’ve done in video games and science fiction. For now I’ll keep my space travel to the digital world, especially in games like Starbound. The number of planets you can explore in…
World of Warcraft: Pumpkin Pie
The world of Azeroth is a place that has grown accustomed to many terrors from rampaging undead to dragons transforming the lands. Not only does the environment and creatures cause problems but war reigns across the lands. The Horde and Alliance have been at one another’s throats since the beginning of time. Whose side will…