Tales of Xillia 2 was a well done sequel (don’t get me started about how bad Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World was). I liked seeing what all the characters were up to and how they still had room to grow. I really enjoyed learning more in particular about Muzet and King Gaius….
Don’t Starve: Guacamole
So I drop the guy in the middle of no man’s land and I tells him “Say pal, you don’t look so good. You’d better find something to eat before night comes!” And just like that, I vanish from sight! … Yeah, I didn’t give him anything. What, you think I’m just going to hand…
Guild Wars 2: Rice Balls
Let’s get this out of the way first: I’m SUPER excited for the Heart of Thorns expansion coming out this year. With the announcement of this expansion I’ve been playing a lot of Guild Wars 2 again. Currently, in Guild Wars 2, the lunar festival (Happy Chinese New Year) is taking place and a few…
Harvest Moon: Mushroom Pasta
Every week my husband and I take our corgi, Kanji, to agility practice. Our agility class is on a farm just south of where we live. Many times when we show up early I’ll take a look at all the animals just enjoying themselves. Usually my mind will then jump to all the fun times…
Binding of Isaac: Dog Biscuit
Isaac and his mother lived alone in a small house on the hill. That much is certain. But on a fateful day, a voice from above changed all of that. A voice of divinity demanded the end of a peaceful existence that Isaac had grown accustomed. An end to both the peaceful… and the existence….
Guild Wars 2: Onion Rings
It’s that time of year when all the cities of Tyria dress up in celebration of Wintersday. Toymaker Tixx has returned to Divinity’s Reach bringing merriment to all the people. Holiday activities both in-game and in the real world can make one extra joyful. What better way to celebrate the season than with some fried…
Kingdom Hearts 2: Sea Salt Popsicles
I remember sitting in high school and being excited for the school day to end so I could continue my adventures in Kingdom Hearts. When the second game came out, I had just started college. I remember playing through it and joking with a friend how if I have a son, I will have to…
Tales of Hearts R: Hot Chocolate
A sudden spike of despir sickness is affecting the world of Organica. Full cities are becoming consumed with one emotion. A city completely enveloped in sorrow stops being productive because they don’t believe in themselves. Another city ravaged with distrust causes dysfunction because people can’t work together. The populations’ spirias, cores that control individual’s emotions,…
The Sims 4: The Baconing
I keep playing the Sims 4 and can’t get enough of it. I really need to focus on one family and get them living in a big house. Every time I get a family decently far I’ll start thinking of a new group to try out and see what hilarities will ensue. I did attempt…
Harvest Moon: Roast Vegetable Lasagna
It is all about farming when it comes to Harvest Moon. With all the fresh produce your character is growing, it is no surprise they pick up cooking as a hobby. You have to keep yourself filled with delicious food if you are going to be working on your farm daily. A nice hearty meal…