“Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt your broadcast to bring you live coverage on the situation in Dorado, Hollywood, and all around the world. The tentative peace our world has known for the past few years seems to have come to a shattering end as warfare has erupted on the streets across the globe. Members formally…
Video Games
Pokémon: Poffins
It is the 20th anniversary of Pokémon. That sure makes me feel a little old. I was very deeply invested in Pokémon when the series first made its way here to the United States. I would wake up early every morning before school to watch an episode of the anime. At school, a friend and I ran…
Don’t Starve: Trail Mix
These past few weeks have been rather busy. With the recent move from apartment living to home living, I’ve realized how much more work I’m doing around the house. I guess when you own something, you want to put a lot more time into taking care of it. Of course with all the house chores…
The Sims 4: Fish Tacos
These past few weeks I’ve been very busy. I just finished moving into a new house and have been setting the place up to be my perfect home. I find myself moving objects around until they find a perfect fit. Now that everything is placed in the appropriate spot I look around and think “maybe…
Dark Souls 3: Ashen Flask
You cross the threshold out into the stale, choking air of [insert city name here]. All around you, there are signs of decay on the walls and ghastly creatures waiting to cause your demise. You’ve got your [maybe I should make a dex character first?] by your side, ready to strike down the foes in…
Bloodborne: Pungent Blood Cocktail
Do you hear our prayers? Do you see our attempts at reaching a higher plane and laugh? Or perhaps worry? Indeed, we are below the cosmos, but we know what we must do to reach beyond. We must sit to contemplate that which cannot be contemplated, to line our brain with eyes, to reach, to…
Yakuza 5: The Boss of Them All
What a crazy world we live in! All of these games to play and all of this food to eat. Luckily, you’ve found the website my wife runs that brings both together in a triumphant head-on collision of taste and fun! I wanted another crack at a recipe (since I am always so helpful) so…
Starbound: Apple Crumble
Planet hopping is the name of the game! No wait… it is Starbound. Hmm.. I don’t think you want to hop from star to star. You may be rocking some new insulated shoes, but I suspect landing on a star might leave your feet a little well done. Perhaps getting just close enough to a…
Guild Wars 2: Peach Pie
Recently I’ve found myself watching people play the Guild Wars 2 more than I have been playing it myself. I wanted to take this post to thank all the content creators of Guild Wars 2 for the hours of entertainment you have provided to the world. I enjoy listening to many of you talk about…
Fantasy Life: Juicy Burger
Got a delish meal to cook in Fantasy Life? You’ll need to run around and make a few stops first! Run to the local farm and collect some eggs from the chicken. Stop by the fields and pick some tasty vegetables. Meat can be tricky to find, but local vendors should be carrying what you…