Octodad: Dadliest Catch was recently announced for a WiiU and Xbox One release. More people will be able to experience the ridiculousness that is Octodad and that makes me happy. It is exciting to see a game that several friends created do so well. With the announcement of more console releases I felt it was…
Video Games
The Sims 4: Caprese
The Sims 4: Get to Work came out last week. Unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to pick up a copy but my brother did. He has been telling me about all the ridiculous things that were added to the game. He’s been waiting for the addition of aliens into the Sims 4 and he…
Battle Block Theater: Buckle Your Salad
Good morning, ladies and gentleladies, sit down and prepare your delicate ears as I tell you a HARROWING tale of friendship and … well … cats! You see, your ship, the best ship of all, the USS Friend… er, Ship… was joy cruising through the oceans without a care in the world. All friends and…
Starbound: Beef and Potato Empanadas
When the last major patch dropped for Starbound, my friends and I rushed our way through all the new content added to the game. We enjoyed our time with the game. We even made a little base on a water-based planet. My husband figured out a neat little system for an airlock that would automatically…
The Sims 4: Pasta Primavera
Get to Work, the first expansion for The Sims 4, is coming out at the end of the month. This expansion is pretty neat because it is adding a lot more things you can do with your Sim and their daily life. The main focus of this expansion is the work day for Sims. You’ll…
Tales of Xillia 2: Spicy Chicken Rolls
Tales of Xillia 2 was a well done sequel (don’t get me started about how bad Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World was). I liked seeing what all the characters were up to and how they still had room to grow. I really enjoyed learning more in particular about Muzet and King Gaius….
Don’t Starve: Guacamole
So I drop the guy in the middle of no man’s land and I tells him “Say pal, you don’t look so good. You’d better find something to eat before night comes!” And just like that, I vanish from sight! … Yeah, I didn’t give him anything. What, you think I’m just going to hand…
Guild Wars 2: Rice Balls
Let’s get this out of the way first: I’m SUPER excited for the Heart of Thorns expansion coming out this year. With the announcement of this expansion I’ve been playing a lot of Guild Wars 2 again. Currently, in Guild Wars 2, the lunar festival (Happy Chinese New Year) is taking place and a few…
GTA V: Kifflom Juice
Kifflom. Kifflom. Kifflom. Kiff – lom. Kiff. Lom. Kiff. Lom. I read all the pamphlets and even paid for this stupid blue outfit, and now they got me running through the desert? I’ve just gotta keep running. Kiff – lom. KIFF. LOM. You know, they told me that aliens exist and are present on earth,…
Harvest Moon: Mushroom Pasta
Every week my husband and I take our corgi, Kanji, to agility practice. Our agility class is on a farm just south of where we live. Many times when we show up early I’ll take a look at all the animals just enjoying themselves. Usually my mind will then jump to all the fun times…