I’ve been slowly making my way through all the DLC for Breath of the Wild. I’m a little disappointed with some of the items I’ve been discovering. I really would love to be able to run around in Ganon’s armor, but being unable to upgrade it makes me sad. It’s not just the lower defense…
Overwatch: Semlor
Since I started playing Overwatch, my main focus has been on playing support characters. This role has been my favorite, especially since my aiming is not the best. At the beginning, I mostly picked Mercy because it helped me understand maps and where it was appropriate to stand during combat. After a bit of learning…
Divinity Original Sin 2: Rivellon Pizza
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time with Divinity Original Sin 2. Recently, my husband and I started a lone wolf party on tactician mode. He is playing a melee, dual wielding, polymorph focused character while I am enjoying a summoning huntsman. The summon right now is pretty busted at the start of act 2 but I’m…
Battle Chef Brigade: Tiramisu
Is it the last day of Battle Chef Buffet? Yes. Are we getting a bonus recipe post this week? You know it! I decided to do one extra post this week because I love the food in Battle Chef Brigade and I can’t stop cooking recipes from it. Continuing our look at the different chefs,…
Battle Chef Brigade: Lime Roasted Chicken
Battle Chef Brigade is one of the few games that approaches orc characters in a soft and friendly tone. Thrash is a loving husband and father and one of the first characters that Mina meets during her quest to become part of the Battle Chef Brigade. He is always so kind and will do anything…
Overwatch: Smoked Turkey Legs
Thanks to my friend Nina, I’ve recently been dipping back into Overwatch. Each week, she hosts a variety of custom maps and streams them (check out her Twitch Channel). These games are a bit more carefree and everyone playing them is just having a good time. With my increase of play time, I have been…
Guild Wars 2: Sesame Seed Buns
Last week, Path of Fire was released for Guild Wars 2. I found myself out of town the weekend it launched, but the moment I got back home my husband and I booted up the game and started working our way through the story. We just finished the story last night and I thoroughly enjoyed…
The Sims 4: Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
One of the major reasons I find myself returning to The Sims as often as I do is because it reminds me of my childhood. My siblings and I would spend hours taking turns playing the game. It is one of the franchises that my sister still gets excited about. I’m sure when she visits…
Diablo 3: Whimsy Cupcakes
Finally, I have unlocked the secret of the rifts that even Tyrael was reluctant to hand over. It was a slow and careful process, but opening rifts to other worlds, other times, other realities has finally come under my possession. But time is of the essence. The Black Soulstone was my greatest work, but with…
Fallout 4: Preserved Pie
This past month, I have been playing so much Fallout 4 that the hit wasteland song Uranium Fever has been stuck in my head. Currently, my character is a melee only combatant working the Grognak the Barbarian costume. The extra damage boost from the costume has been amazing, and it certainly gives my wastelander an…