Two years have passed since that awful Gruntilda was defeated for stealing your sister. You have enjoyed yourself since then by relaxing with your sister and your friends. Of course, you always wondered if another threat might come from out of the shadows. It is best to not worry about it and just enjoy the…
Tales of Graces f: Stuffed Cabbage
You’ve enjoyed the town you have grown up in but have yearned to explore the world. Your family won’t allow it because you are the successor to be the future lord of the village of Lhant. Of course your curiosity gets the better of you and when finally left alone you decide to go explore…
The Sims 3: Mac and Cheese
Wake up, take a shower, go to work, come home, eat, go to sleep and repeat. Seems like an average day in the common adult life. What if you had control of that person’s life? Would you stay on that mundane routine or go off the rails and do whatever you want? Can you handle…
Demon’s Souls: Crescent Soul Grass
The fog rises around you as you inch across the courtyard and through the doors of the old keep. With your trusty longsword and your shield in tatters, you’ve managed to clear through the castle guard… or at least what used to be. What once were brave soldiers, fighting for King Allant’s good name, have…
Final Fantasy XI: Windurstian Crêpes
Final Fantasy XI is an MMO I have never played, but I received a few request to have a recipe done from this game. One thing that stood out to me about the game was all the different classes you can be and all the unique armor for each class. I love a game with…
Borderlands 2: Crumpets
Vault Hunters are at it again on Pandora, they seek the second vault but someone stands in their way. They begin their adventure, but several Vault Hunters are caught in an “accidental” train crash. As some of the hunters regain their consciousness they meet a CL4P-TP. The CL4P-TP is excited and realizes that they can…
Pac-Man: Pretzel
If you have ever been to an arcade, you have probably seen of a Pac-Man game. My parents used to go to a bar after working and would spend hours playing this game. While growing up, there was a restaurant that had the Pac-Man table and I would always sneak away after eating. About a…
MapleStory: Yakisoba
MapleStory was the first MMO I ever played. During the summer before I went to college, my brother and I were looking for games to play together on the computer. We came across this little free to play game, MapleStory, and decided to give it a try. That is when I realized if I grab…
Recettear: Shortcake
In many games you take the role of the hero. There are always plenty of characters that are willing to help you out by joining you in the front lines or just selling you items to make you stronger. Did you ever wonder how these shops keep a supply in order to get you prepared…
Guild Wars 2: Veggie Burger
Rumors have begun to circulate around the major cities that disaster has struck in the northern lands. Heavy snow storms and earthquakes have hit lands that were once quite peaceful. Residents of the area are fleeing to the nearby capitals before things get worse. Volunteers are being requested in the areas of the Wayfarer Foothills…