A celebration has engulfed the kingdom. The kingdom was victorious in its previous conflict against the evil necromancer overlord. You are at the center of the dance floor enjoying yourself. Yet, something seems off – the enemy gave up a bit too easily and the leader is still out there. No matter, for now the…
The Sims 3: Steak Sandwich
You begin to stir from your sleep as an alarm begins to blare. As you reach for the alarm you realize it is no longer the weekend, time to start the routine once again. Quickly, you remember last week you got a promotion at work. You are making progress towards your end goal of becoming…
Streets of Rage: Roast Chicken
The once peaceful city you grew up in has transformed over night. Corruption can be found everywhere throughout the city. As a police officer, you notice what is happening and want to quickly fix the city to the way it once was. You rush to your superiors with what you believe is a perfect plan…
Roller Coaster Tycoon: French Fries
The aroma of popcorn, yells of terror, and fluffy mascots dancing around for your entertainment. It can only mean you are in one place: an amusement park. As you roam the park grounds you see many interesting rides. Which will you go on first? Do you start with something light like the haunted house or…
Wolfenstein 3D: Turkey Dinner
Your mission is a simple one: climb this tower and kill the lead of the evil organization. As you enter the tower you see bright blue walls and the organizations symbol placed everywhere. You take a few steps forward and see a large frame. The frame contains an image of a man’s profile. You realize…
Saints Row 2: Sum Yung Guy
The sirens shriek in the distance. Gunshots fly over your head as you find cover behind crates of merchandise. Your time is running thin. You look at your watch and realize you have to get out of the building; the trap you have set is going to go off. You sprint to the closest door…
Team Fortress 2: Sandvich
So this week, I thought we could touch on an old favo- *door knocked down, barrels spinning, maniacal laughter* … I was told we would be fighting men! I am heavy weapons guy, and this… is my sandvich.
World of Warcraft: Pumpkin Pie
The world of Azeroth is a place that has grown accustomed to many terrors from rampaging undead to dragons transforming the lands. Not only does the environment and creatures cause problems but war reigns across the lands. The Horde and Alliance have been at one another’s throats since the beginning of time. Whose side will…
Persona 4: Beef Bowl
After a long day of classes, all you want is some comfort food. You grab your umbrella and begin to head to your favorite local restaurant. You wonder to yourself, ‘How long has it been raining? The weather report this morning said today would be the last of it but heavy fog would be rolling…
Skyrim: Sunlight Souffle
It’s vacation time and you have decided to go to a much colder and rustic location. You are off to Skyrim to enjoy the sites and the local flair. One evening, while enjoying some mead in the local tavern, you are approached by a stranger and immediately knocked unconscious. After a few hours you wake…