Luxendarc is falling into darkness. The crystals have been consumed by a dark force and everything around it is being affected. Ships are no longer able to sail because the oceans have rotted. A large volcano has erupted and continues to erupt near a nation already engulfed in civil war. The small farming village of…
Tales of Vesperia: Minestrone Soup
The conclusion of “Tales of”-palooza is here, which means Tales of Symphonia Chronicles comes out this week! WOOHOO! We take a look back at what might be my favorite Tales game: Tales of Vesperia (very closely followed by Tales of the Abyss but the two change ranks every other week). In the past few Tales…
Tales of Graces f: Oyakodon
Oh man! We are a week away from the release of Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, excitement levels are rising. Let’s continue the countdown to the release with another ‘Tales of’ recipe this week. Food plays a pretty major role in both the story and mechanics of Tales of Graces f. Each of the characters in…
Tales of Xillia: Chocolate Parfait
The spirits are vanishing. Why are the spirits vanishing? War has been threatening the lands for the last few years. Could one of the nations have found a technology that consumes spirits? Why would they resort to such technology? Do they not realize they are slowly destroying the land we live in? Recent rumors have…
Octodad: Dadliest Sushi
Taking kids to school. Cleaning the house. Working on the next big thing. Grilling up some burgers. Escaping from a crazy chef. Doing the groceries. Mowing the yard. Making some coffee. Spraying ink all over the walls. Wearing a suit and tie. Getting your gameface on. A regular day is always full of surprises and…
The World Ends With You: Pancakes
Although I haven’t played The World Ends With You in quite some time, I was looking at some gameplay videos for inspiration for art styles. I came across a video for what I think may be one of the most interesting ideas that the game ends with (and no I won’t include any spoilers here…
Skyrim: Potato Soup
DID IT! I finally completed the main story of Skyrim. Every time I’ve picked up the game I got up to meeting the Greybreads and would quickly get distracted by every other cave I ran across. This last month I decided to start fresh and focus on the main story. My new character was a…
Starbound: Banana Split
An eerie silver glow stabs through the cold darkness. You pull out your flashlight and try to find some relatively safe footing for an opportunity to reach the goal. Although your resourceful crewmate has constructed a flourishing greenhouse out of nothing but sickly green dirt, it has still been a week since your ship ran…
Katamari Forever: Kitsune Udon
Every so often I get an urge to jump in and play some Katamari. It is fun to just turn my brain off and roll a ball of doom around while collecting everything in its path. The last level I spent a bit playing to get inspiration for the site was the sumo level in…
Harvest Moon: Potato Pancakes
The Harvest Moon series is always one I can go back to and just spend several hours with. Something about developing a farm from start to finish is super enjoyable. In some ways this game is a silly fantasy life I would like to live in – have a farm of my own, making some…