Your memory is gone. The furthest back you can remember is when you landed on that dragon. Where did you fall from? Why did you land on a dragon? Why are all the people of this small village so nice? After falling you were suddenly asked to act as royalty and asset the town. But…
Guild Wars 2: Roast Artichokes
It seems the start of the next living world season two has kicked off with some memorable events from the past year. We see the return of the festival of the four winds and the crown pavilion. It is nice to see some of the old content make an appearance back in the game. This…
The Sims 3: Tuna Ceviche
Over the last month I’ve seen several people wanting to play The Sims. It is a game that I can sink my teeth into and spend an unreasonable amount of time with. In a lot of games I tend to take a bit more time constructing awesome living places and The Sims is no different….
FFXIV: Pineapple Ponzecake
These past few weeks have been pretty exciting for me and my free company mates. With my husband and I hitting 50 we have begun our adventure into endgame content. After finishing our relic weapons we immediately started working on the Binding Coil of Bahamut and the extreme primals. As of today we have completed…
Guild Wars 2: Chicken Noodle Soup
A few weeks ago Guild Wars 2 introduced a pretty large feature pack. There were a lot of quality of life changes and some major changes to the way traits work. The updates that really stood out to me were the addition of the wardrobe and dyes being account-wide rather than character based. I was…
Dark Souls 2: Lifegem
You come to a place unknown. A place in limbo. A place betwixt two worlds. You were wandering before coming here. But from where did your wandering begin? Can one actually wander if they don’t know where they started? Can you define a maze if it has no beginning? And what if the end is…
Starbound: Mashed Potato
I play Starbound at least once a week. My brother and I have recently started new characters that are exploring the dangerous universe together. The first few planets we landed on were either filled with poison lakes or had acid rain. We both quickly realized we had to explore until we found that perfect home….
Payday 2: Sandwich
The operation is go. The crew is set up and ready to roll out. You catch a breather en route in the back of the van and contemplate what brought you here in the first place. Are you doing it for the money? The adrenaline rush of taking on the world? Or are you slowly…
Bravely Default: Dexterity Buns
Luxendarc is falling into darkness. The crystals have been consumed by a dark force and everything around it is being affected. Ships are no longer able to sail because the oceans have rotted. A large volcano has erupted and continues to erupt near a nation already engulfed in civil war. The small farming village of…
Tales of Vesperia: Minestrone Soup
The conclusion of “Tales of”-palooza is here, which means Tales of Symphonia Chronicles comes out this week! WOOHOO! We take a look back at what might be my favorite Tales game: Tales of Vesperia (very closely followed by Tales of the Abyss but the two change ranks every other week). In the past few Tales…