Last week, Starbound left early access and officially released its 1.0 patch. I was very excited to play this game when it first came out for early access in 2013. I loved Terraria and was ready to see what the next big step was for the gathering and building game type. My friends and I…
Overwatch: Fundae Sundae
My husband and friends have been playing a lot of Overwatch. Most nights I’ll listen to them playing while I entertain myself with other games. I’ve heard my husband talk about his many achievements in the game and several of his best plays. Without having played the game I have learned a lot about it…
Final Fantasy XIV: Finger Sandwich
After a long, busy weekend, it is nice to come home to a quiet house. This past weekend my husband and I had many family members visiting. We did a lot of running around and eating out. It is nice to finally sit down and be able to cook a meal at home. That is…
Sonic: Chili Cheese Dog
Alright alright, welcome to the Secret Memesearch and Development Office! I doubt I need to introduce myself, but I’ll make it… fast! Right, Grounder? … Hah, Grounder knows what I’m talking about. Anyway, Sonic’s the name, and memes are the game! Here at the office, we are focused on keeping that Sonic brand going strong….
The Sims: Chocolate Biscotti
The latest game pack, Dine Out, was released last week for The Sims 4. This game pack is all about food and I’m excited to play it. If your sim doesn’t feel like cooking, you can visit a local restaurant. You can even build and run your own restaurant if the feeling suits your sim!…
Dragon’s Crown: Pea Potage
As I drool over the food art in Dragon’s Crown, I’m reminded just how gorgeous Vanillaware makes its food art. It also reminded me of my love for pea soup. My mom would make it every so often with chunks of ham and polish sausage. If she was making this soup, I would be the…
Blade and Soul: Dumplings
For the past few months, I’ve been playing Blade and Soul. When the game first came out I started leveling a summoner. The summoner gameplay wasn’t what I wanted. Dealing with pet AI can be frustrating sometimes. I quickly switched over to a blade master and found myself having a lot more fun. I played…
Overwatch: Peanut Butter Nachos
“Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt your broadcast to bring you live coverage on the situation in Dorado, Hollywood, and all around the world. The tentative peace our world has known for the past few years seems to have come to a shattering end as warfare has erupted on the streets across the globe. Members formally…
Pokémon: Poffins
It is the 20th anniversary of Pokémon. That sure makes me feel a little old. I was very deeply invested in Pokémon when the series first made its way here to the United States. I would wake up early every morning before school to watch an episode of the anime. At school, a friend and I ran…
Don’t Starve: Trail Mix
These past few weeks have been rather busy. With the recent move from apartment living to home living, I’ve realized how much more work I’m doing around the house. I guess when you own something, you want to put a lot more time into taking care of it. Of course with all the house chores…