Ho ho! Hey Noct, come here. Quickly, you need to see this. Oh? Well what do we have he- uhh… Glady? Is that instant ramen? Excuse me, instant ramen? This is Cup Noodle we are talking about. Look, when I was out on my own, it dawned on me. Any food you make tastes better…
Video Games
Breath of the Wild: Wild Mushroom Onigiri
Link, wake up.Ugh, where am I? This room… oh no why am I soaking wet? What have I gotten myself into this time? There seems to be a glowing pedestal at the other end of the room.Link, that’s a Sheikah Slate – it is yours. You have been asleep for a long time and I…
Tales of Berseria: Palmiers
*Quirky Music Plays* I present to you the traveling troupe of mysterious misfits known across the land as…***~~~~~~~~~~***Magilou’s Menagerie!***~~~~~~~~~~***Feast your eyes on the marvel, the mayhem, the mastery that is our main attraction, Miss Magilou herself! I have traveled FAR AND WIDE to bring to you all tears of joy, laughs of anger, growls of sorrow….
Mabinogi: Dog Biscuits
My brother has always been a great help with Pixelated Provisions. He calls me to inform me of food he found in games and I appreciate it every time. One of his favorite games of all times is Mabinogi. He has played Mabinogi on and off for several years now. It is the game he…
Overwatch: Lúcio-oh’s
Lúcio is an international celebrity known for his hit songs “We Move Together As One” and “Rejuvenescência.” Lúcio was born in Rio de Janeiro. The favela he grew up in had never truly recovered after the Omnic Crisis. Many people were scraping the bottom of the barrel to get by. He found the only way…
Final Fantasy XV: Toadsteak Drumsticks
Final FantaFeast is coming to an end today. I am very happy with all the recipes that my fellow fandom foodie bloggers made throughout the month. Thank you everyone for making this themed month a great success. It was a lot of fun hosting this theme and I can’t wait to participate in more of…
Final Fantasy XV: Gysahl Greens Smoothie
FinalFanta Feast continues for one more enjoyable week. I am very happy with all the recipes that everyone has added. Don’t forget to add your recipes! When I first met Wiz of the Wiz Chocobo Post I knew the carboys and him would be good friends. He has raised and taken care of chocobo all…
Final Fantasy XV: Nebula Salmon Teriyaki
I did not do much fishing in Final Fantasy XV. In certain areas of the world, Noctis could spend some time catching fish. He could upgrade his equipment and adjust the lure he is using based on the location. Certain lures would attract specific fish so having many options was a good idea. The other…
Final Fantasy XV: Ace Hunter’s Schnitzel
We could not be celebrating Final FantaFeast at a more perfect time. Today is Ignis’ birthday! I know food is one of the most important pieces to any birthday party. Who better to learn a few recipes from than the birthday boy himself. There are many inspirations for Ignis’s recipes. Sometimes he will find a…
Final Fantasy XV: Stacked Ham Sandwich
For the entire month of February myself and the Fandom Foodie community are celebrating Final FantaFeast by sharing recipes from the Final Fantasy franchise. I will be focusing all this month on the newest game, Final Fantasy XV. This is one of the first meals I discovered that increases the experience gained while adventuring. Getting…