Video games are a way to escape reality and adventure in a fantasy world. These worlds can send you to new places on Earth, different universes, or alternate timelines based on real world events. In these alternate timelines, developers take the time to stretch the imagination by adding something like new technology that causes a…
Video Games
Battle Chef Brigade: Lime Roasted Chicken
Battle Chef Brigade is one of the few games that approaches orc characters in a soft and friendly tone. Thrash is a loving husband and father and one of the first characters that Mina meets during her quest to become part of the Battle Chef Brigade. He is always so kind and will do anything…
Battle Chef Brigade: Bangers and Mash
With Battle Chef Buffet happening this month, I will be cooking up several recipes from the game. I have been very excited for this event to kick off and I cannot wait to share all the recipes I have been working on. I have recipes from several of the chefs in Battle Chef Brigade which…
Welcome to Battle Chef Buffet
This month I have the joy of hosting Battle Chef Buffet January! My fellow nerdy foodies at Fandom Foodies and I are celebrating the release of the wonderful game Battle Chef Brigade. This game is a foodie’s paradise. There are so many recipes to recreate that we have no time to lose. Vive La Brigade!
2017 Wrap Up
2017 has been a bizarre year and I’m happy to see it coming to a close. I’d like to look back at the year as a whole.
Divinity Original Sin 2: Honey Milk
“Welcome to my domain. I am Murina the Brave. I have fought countless battles, assassinated many insects, and stolen from right under the noses of pesky humans. My brethren all bow before me and lesser beast, like yourself, should follow suit.” The creature pauses from her clearly rehearsed speech as she looks up at you,…
Overwatch: Smoked Turkey Legs
Thanks to my friend Nina, I’ve recently been dipping back into Overwatch. Each week, she hosts a variety of custom maps and streams them (check out her Twitch Channel). These games are a bit more carefree and everyone playing them is just having a good time. With my increase of play time, I have been…
Destiny 2: Spicy Chicken Ramen
Pssst! Guardian, over here! The schematics showed it was stored in this room. Just, just be quiet. We don’t need fails- OH hello, Cayde Unit! I see the guardian is here as well! What a pleasant surprise! What were you saying about me? Saying? About, oh, oh right! Of course. We were looking for you,…
Battle Chef Brigade: Cricket Pancakes
I have been playing a lot of Battle Chef Brigade. This game is exactly what I wanted: a very engaging story, enjoyable combat system, and lots of cooking. One of my favorite activities to do in the game is assist Belchior in his discover of Ambrosia. He needs to create recipes and extract their essences….
Thanksgiving Recipe Suggestions
Thanksgiving is just a few days away! I am sure many of you are preparing for your giant feast and planning what to make. If you are looking for suggestions for your dinner or a potluck with friends and family, I have the perfect list for you. Below are a few options that I think…