Battle Chef Brigade comes out in less than a week on November 20th! On top of prepping for Thanksgiving, I will be playing a lot of this game. I can’t wait to explore the world and cook up all the dishes. I want to congratulate Trinket Studios for the announcement! I know they have been…
Video Games
Battle Chef Brigade: Dragon Heart Gyoza
Mina must be one of the bravest chefs of all time. I don’t think I could pick a fight with a wild dragon for the sake of a great dish. I bet the adrenaline rush of becoming part of the Battle Chef Brigade must keep her going. I may not be slaying any dragons, but…
The Elder Scrolls Online: Witchmother’s Party Punch
My husband has certainly played his fair share of video games growing up, but few have had as much an impact as one of his favorites, The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. He’ll be the first to admit that Morrowind has its share of problems, bugs, and overall clunkiness, but none of that compares to the…
It has been 5 years!
Pixelated Provisions turned 5 years old at the beginning of this month! It is wild to think that I’ve been making recipes for that long! I have really been enjoying every moment and can’t wait to continue cooking food from video games for another 5 years.
Don’t Starve: Fruit Medley
Don’t Starve’s seasons are pretty close to what could happen in the real world. A major part of the game is contending with the changing seasons and the challenges that come with them, but the seasons themselves can be unpredictable. A summer could last longer than expected while a winter could be extremely short and…
Stardew Valley: Artichoke Dip
The weather here in Houston might not feel like it but Fall has officially started. Even with all the heat and humidity still lingering, I’m getting excited about the future cooler weather! Fall always gets me itching to play a farming game and what better game to play than Stardew Valley. If you love playing…
Guild Wars 2: Sesame Seed Buns
Last week, Path of Fire was released for Guild Wars 2. I found myself out of town the weekend it launched, but the moment I got back home my husband and I booted up the game and started working our way through the story. We just finished the story last night and I thoroughly enjoyed…
Battle Chef Brigade: Churros
Battle Chef Brigade will be coming out this holiday season. The game’s development is nearing completion and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. All the updates have got me extremely hyped. From the tweets about recording voices to the newest trailer, this game cannot come out soon enough. After getting really excited,…
The Sims 4: Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
One of the major reasons I find myself returning to The Sims as often as I do is because it reminds me of my childhood. My siblings and I would spend hours taking turns playing the game. It is one of the franchises that my sister still gets excited about. I’m sure when she visits…
Diablo 3: Whimsy Cupcakes
Finally, I have unlocked the secret of the rifts that even Tyrael was reluctant to hand over. It was a slow and careful process, but opening rifts to other worlds, other times, other realities has finally come under my possession. But time is of the essence. The Black Soulstone was my greatest work, but with…