It is that time of year and Wintersday is being celebrated all throughout Tyria. Typically, I would take the time to talk about what happens in Tyria of today. Instead we are going to go back and look at the original Guild Wars Wintersday celebration. Cities are decorated and holiday themed rewards are handed out…
Video Games
Final Fantasy XV: Croque Madame
Another day of driving in the Regalia. We’ve been on the road for a few days now and haven’t had time to make a stop at an outpost in quite a while. Noctus has demanded that we finish this pick up job for Cindy. I understand wanting to keep the car in top condition, but…
Stardew Valley: Bruschetta
Managing a farm means you have first hand access to the freshest ingredients. Unfortunately for me in the real world, I don’t have the patience or knowledge to do much gardening work. When my husband and I got our house, our friends asked when I would start my own garden. I responded with a quick…
Twilight Princess: Chu Jelly
My husband has played video games for most of his life, so they were a common occurrence on the family tv growing up. Although his mom did not pick up the controller very often, she loved watching the games he played. The Legend of Zelda games on the NES were one game she often saw….
Twilight Princess: Yeto’s Superb Soup
Far in the Snowpeak Ruins reside two yetis, Yeto and Yeta. These two enjoy quiet walks around the mountains, watching sunsets together and cooking delicious meals. They did everything together. That all changed the day they found a peculiar mirror fragment. Yeta fell extremely ill and could not join Yeto on any of their daily…
The Minish Cap: Brioche
After getting your bi-weekly payment of rupees, where else to enjoy the weekend than in the busy streets of Hyrule Town? It may be loud and crowded, but the streets have many of the best shops in all of Hyrule. First, you’ll need a nice cozy place to rest, so make a quick stop at…
Overwatch: “Doritos”
Before Hana Song, better known as D.Va, became a member of South Korea’s Mobile Exo-Force (MEKA), she was a professional gamer. At the age of sixteen, she began her climb to become the best Starcraft player in the world. For three years, she dominated the Starcraft scene and went undefeated. Her determination and skill made…
Overwatch: Peanut Butter
Dr. Harold Winston was a scientist who worked for Lucheng Interstellar. He had many scientific accomplishments while working at his lab in Lijang Tower. After many years of hard work, he found himself moving to the Horizon Lunar Colony on the Moon. Many scientists dreamed of the day they could finally work in that lab…
Texas Renaissance Festival: Food
Welcome to a completely new kind of blog post from Pixelated Provisions. I have decided to start including a few bonus post from time to time, covering things like nerdy events I attended, interesting food experiences, deeper looks into games I am playing and a general look into my life besides recipes. Do not fear,…
Starbound: Spooky Donut
The spooky donuts caught my attention while playing Starbound. The basic required ingredients to make them are an egg, boneboo, wheat, sugar and milk. Most of those ingredients seem pretty normal except for that boneboo. Boneboo is a crop found on dry, arid planets in Starbound. The item description is simply, “Spooky.” While pondering what…